About Us
In 1986…..
Randy opened shop next door
to our parent company, Chalks Truck Parts. Building and repairing driveshafts was and is a specialty, but Randy began to supply
his customers with control cables, power takeoffs and hydraulic pumps gathered from other distributors around town. Hard work and a nose for opportunity brought
the company distributorships of its’ own over the years: Spicer, Neapco, Parker, Chelsea, Permco and others.
In 2003 the company built a brand new facility behind Chalks,
facing Market Street, greatly expanding space for offices, inventory and shop equipment. The staff has grown to be a family of brothers serving the needs of our customers, near and far. Contacts in the industry and a deep understanding of the market allow us to stock and deliver what our customers need, but it’s the service that keeps them coming back.
Randy’s has the most experienced staff in Houston and quite likely in the entire Southwest!
This collection of old gray beards and eager young bucks are the Power Team of Randy’s Driveshaft Service, the minds
and muscle that deliver the finest in driveshafts and mobile power products.
If you have questions about astrophysics you call Neil Degrasse Tyson.
If you have questions about a driveshaft you call the professionals at Randy’s.

The Chalk’s Truck Parts/Randy’s Driveshaft Facility, Houston, Texas
Located east of downtown at the corner of McCarty and Market Streets.